Earn passive income by building a brand and online presence. Even if you're not technical, giving this a read or watch will be worth your time. They'll be a good amount of technobabble, and just going to jump right in, but'll teach and explain all the technojargon in plain english and they'll be a set of follow up posts to cover all of the basic to build up what we're going to put together here. Technical buzzwords can be painful to the ear for even the most hardcorde of us geeks. Who wants to learn a glossary of isoteric sounding names and acroymns? (you do?! coming soon..) No pain, no gain. This won't hurt though.

We'll develop and deploy a blazing fast website, and you can be an experience fullstack developer in minutes, with your own cloud CMS, github source control repository, automated builds and releases, and your own snazzy blog to share your adventures from. Or just read on and I'll do my best to educate, entertain and charm you through some geek speak. and some activity that gives results (and dopamine :) so let's have some fun building you a blog you a modern blog you can manage from your phone or anywhere once live.

To follow along, a few tool are reqired to be installed:

  • node or nvm
  • git
  • vscode

And accounts with a these cloud services be required:

  • github
  • netlify

**Setup Walkthrough Coming Soon